Or wow are you guys still here ?? Thought you’d be off globe trotting by now – these are some of the ways we are being greeted when bumping into friends 😉
TBF we have been away quite a lot and for long periods in the last 4 years 😎 but I do still like IOM life, countryside, chilled vibe and we get to spend time with family and friends. Here’s a few things that have been fun this summer for me ( Pete ). We’ll do a Janet’s summer highlights next.

As I’m sure you know , I LOVE the TT races and this year got to do some film work that was part of the official coverage on ITV 4.
Action was awesome as always and as you can see I was pretty close to it 🤟✊✊

I’ve always wanted to have a go at the Modern 2 day trial but I ride sportsman ( easiest route ) in events and the 2 day is clubman & expert routes so I’ve always chickened out…..
But because the bikes are old ( and tbh the competitor’s ) the 2 day classic’s clubman sections were mostly obtainable for me. 2 days of riding , lots of places I’ve never ridden before and friendly competitor’s 🤟👌👌 maybe I’ll try the modern 2 day next year !