
The reason we came to Japan is because the powder is famous the world over and known as JaPow. Apparently we are only just coming into the best part of the season but the last few days the Japow has been amazing. With tree runs during our lunchtime laps. Yesterday, Read more…

What a Week!

Wow, we have had a fun packed week.  Training began on Monday and as there had been some snowfall overnight it was straight into off piste, between the trees and through moguls. The instructors call it “terrain assisted learning” but really it’s so we can all have fun. We were so Read more…


Well after enjoying 9 months of no restrictions on The Isle of man – the inevitable sadly happened, Covid Returned……..   Queue a 2 week “circuit breaker”, a few weeks freedom and now Lockdown 3.0 which, it has to be said, is dragging on with no end currently in sight……   UPDATE Read more…