The short answer is yes 🥰
The ski school set-up here is very different to how we worked in Bulgaria last season. Bulgaria was essentially private lessons and as such we normally got to “keep” the same students or families for several days or a week and see them all progress until it was time for them to go home.
Here it’s a lot more varied, as in you often don’t know what you will be teaching the next day until the schedule comes out around 10.30pm. So sometimes you miss out seeing the students’ progression, but it means you get a lot of different levels which keeps it entertaining. We also switch from skiing to snowboarding (sometimes in one day) so we also have variety that way too.

So for Pete, the last few days have been adult club 4 skiers, adult Snowboard (SB) beginners, then 2 days kids SB 1, then adults SB 2 and day off today. Kids were six and eight years old and fearless. TBH it was cool seeing the reaction of other people on the slopes as this tiny girl shredded past !! Then there was Lara, who I had taught in beginners, who was also in my SB 2 yesterday…… It was crazy to see how much she’d improved from the fear in eyes the first day 👀 to coming down the steepest red run, and even how much she improved during the SB 2 lesson.

In between lessons, sometimes we forgo lunch for a ski or snowboard ourselves we do this especially if we have been teaching beginners and so have lots of energy remaining or we are not wanting to talk to guests and just take a little me time riding the chairlift or gondola in silence.

So the long answer is also yes. We love sharing those exciting moments, enabling people to learn to ski or snowboard or better their skills and have breakthrough moments. It’s very rewarding.