Great news! The Isle of Man has succeeded to have no new cases of Covid 19 for 28 days, therefore social distancing has now been totally removed. What does that mean? Well, I got to hug friends on Monday evening after we’d been out on stand up paddle boards on a gorgeous evening.

I no longer have to wear mask, gloves and plastic apron while at work as a Care Assistant. This is fantastic as it feels so impersonal talking to people from behind a mask … and it’s so hot and humid. It makes me feel really sorry for all the doctors and nurses that have to wear this all day, everyday, at the moment.
Last week pubs were open for food so we had dinner in the sunshine outside the Creg ny Baa pub.

And as of Thursday the pubs opened fully so on Friday we thought…. why not? So off we went to The Thirsty Pigeon in Douglas and had a great night. It felt so good to be able to give your friends a hug and lovely to bump into other people that you haven’t seen for ages knowing that its ok to stop and chat without the need for social distancing.
So things almost feel back to normal. We can have friends and family inside the house, can take a lift in a car off a friend, go kayaking once more. All the things that we have missed.
But one thing that I’ve really missed is not being able to go and and see my Mum and Dad in the UK. In order to keep the Manx people safe from new Covid19 cases, the Manx borders have been closed for two and a half months and don’t look like they will open anytime soon as the case numbers are still scarily high in the UK. Today is Father’s Day so it seems even more poignant. I’ve just video called my Dad to wish him Happy Father’s Day but it would be lovely to see him and give him a big hug. Hopefully soon the UK will see a reduction in the number of cases and hopefully we can go across in August to see them. There is going to be lots of hugs when we do get to see them.
For now the best thing that we can do is keep everyone in the UK safe and keep up the phone calls, video calls and even good old fashioned post to let loved ones know that you are thinking of them. And here in the Isle of Man, we can enjoy our new found freedoms and take nothing for granted.
And here are some photos from recent lovely walks on the Island….