Well after enjoying 9 months of no restrictions on The Isle of man – the inevitable sadly happened, Covid Returned…….. Queue a 2 week “circuit breaker”, a few weeks freedom and now Lockdown 3.0 which, it has to be said, is dragging on with no end currently in sight…… UPDATE – it finished after 7 weeks.. (apologies to any followers who’ve had restrictions much worse than us for me having a little whinge).
Pre-lockdown we had a great xmas and new year with friends and family.

Then, in very sad news one of Pete’s friend died suddenly at the age of 45…. Luckily ?!? the funeral was on the last day before the circuit breaker so we were all able to give Cass a proper send off, if it had been a day later there would have been 10 people max allowed…… My head was however very sore the next day.
Janet started a new job as a fundraiser for a local Manx mental health charity, Isle Listen. It was a bit weird starting a new job whilst having to work from home !! And as much as she missed her old dementia clients she loves her new job.

Of course we are both missing travelling but, on the right day, the Isle of Man can be a pretty special place i.e a non-horizontal rain day 😉 here’s some highlights;

Not loving being trapped under it ! I did get 2 burns on my thigh from the exhaust in one Trial…….
When we were allowed group rides.

Not quite the snow of Bansko last winter 😉 but still made the ride that little bit more interesting.

Our last public social interaction before LockDown 3 was a stunning walk with our mate, Judy.

And, as if by a twist of fate, Pete found himself sat in a bar after a group mtb ride when lockdown 3 was announced so took full advantage of the last freedom and got very drunk !!
Anyhow – at least we are still allowed out to exercise otherwise we might have driven each other mad !! Although I think it’s taken someone back to their childhood 😉

Plus it’s lambing season – Janet is like Attenborough every walk or cycle ride… oohing and ahhing over how cute they are…..
The Island also had a surprise visitor in the form of a $500 million private yacht !! You could tell all the pubs were still shut by the steady stream of cars driving past to have a skeet at it – big news on a slow news day 😉 That said, it’s amazing how one guy can own such a thing, with the IOM freight ferry in the background for scale :-0

Covid numbers keep coming down, we’ve both had our vaccine – so fingers crossed we’ll be able to stretch our travel legs shortly.