So it is my (Pete’s) second blog in 18 months !!! Why you ask? – well there’s 3 days left of the 6 month road trip so I’ve gone budget busting mad and been renting mountain bikes in Squamish and Whistler – two of the world’s top 10 mountain bike destinations. If you Google them you’ll get images of the classic BC rock rolls with a thin dry line down a steep rock and green moss either side – I found lots of this 😍😍

First was Alice Lake, Squamish, and Janet decided to sit this day of riding out (wisely it turns out) so I nervously set off by myself on the Corsa Cycles Santa Cruz Megatower.

Luckily I met up with Mario and his crew who were off to do the black trail, Rupert, that had been recommended previously. The second big rock roll produced some right squeals from the girl in the group and she was beaming to get down in one piece, as was I. Riding new black trails always makes me nervous that I may have bitten off more than I can chew skills wise.. Luckily, I rode it all without too much drama ☺. After saying goodbye I climbed back up and met Mike (or Simon I’m shit with names !!) and his wife Jenna. They were doing a blue and then a brand new trail called Pamplemouse which was amazing 😍 It wasn’t on trailforks so was a real local treat – thanks guys. Then after climbing up again I met Alvin and Greg and we ended up riding Entrails, Dirk Diggler and Boney Elbows (lots of long rock rolls that would skin your elbows if you crashed) and I had to walk a few very sketchy sections 💩💩💩.

Happy to be unscathed we met up with Alvin and Greg in the Backroads Brewery for beer and pizza 😎.

The next day it was time to meet up with my old school mate again, Martin, and he had sorted me an amazing $15,000 Yeti SB6 bike in Whistler from #arbutusroutes . After climbing up to the snow level and past 2 chairlifts !! we were ready for the black diamond trail, Dark Crystal.

Amazing fun – classic BC!

Then all giddy with endorphins we climbed again to ride Comfortably Numb. Having ridden it 3 years ago, I was pleasantly surprised to find I rode all the features this time 😎.

Absolutely goosed we had a beer and a burger = an amazing day.

Topped off by a night in with Martin’s wife, Clare, and their girls Tobi and Willow. Guess I’d best mention Janet who’d had a right fun day packing everything from 11 months here in Canada back into just two suitcases and two board bags and cleaning Fred!!! Wow – I know how to treat a girl 😉