Over the last few weeks Pete and I have had time to reflect over our new career choice and whether we have did the right thing two years ago in leaving secure jobs in the Isle of Man and following our passion for travel and winter sports. Unequivocally the answer is yes.
We have met some lovely people and it has been an honour to share our passion for skiing and snowboarding. We have been humbled by people’s talents for languages, impressed by their hunger to learn a new sport and loved having a great team of instructors and fitting staff around us. We certainly lucked out when we found Sankiy Ski School.

Some days seem tough with impatient students who want to learn “to slalom” before they even know how to stop and sometimes the lack of a common language makes it difficult but then some lessons you have such fun with the students it is easy to forget you are actually working.

When I think back to my previous life of eight hours of project meetings followed by evenings doing my “day job” at my desk, I am so glad that we agreed to try a different approach. We are so fortunate that our passed friends of Karl and Andy gave us the wake-up call that you only have one life and you need to go and live it to the full. Thanks guys!

Bansko has challenged us in different ways with a lack of snow, long queues and the odd human cannon ball heading your way but nothing that can’t be resolved with a little patience, sense of humour and some ingenuity (aka. calls to the right people).
In summary, the last two years since we left our jobs and headed to SE Asia have been a blast. We haven’t regretted it for a moment, in fact we are really happy we made the plunge and started on our journey, even though we didn’t know where the final destination was (and still don’t) and what opportunities may come our way.
Nastrave !!!