No one likes to be poorly and it always seems worse away from home. Unfortunately in a holiday resort once a bug takes hold, it does the rounds pretty quick and just keeps spreading with all the new people arriving each week.
So first I had the sick bug and after three days of feeling like I was being turned inside out, my boss arranged for me to go to the doctor. She confirmed it was a virus, that I was past any stage of contagion and prescribed several medicines. One was a vial of liquid that said was for injection but instead I was told to break it open on a spoon and swallow it. The doctor warned it was strong but I didn’t expect to feel like I was going to faint after a few seconds of taking it.
Anyway, medicine consumed and a further two days off work and I was fighting fit. Well, until I started with a head cold – probably from all the kids’ snotty noses I’d wiped.
Then it was Pete’s turn. He started with the sick bug but as I still had the prescription (they gave it me back) I was able to go into the chemist and get the same antibiotics etc for Pete. Only in Bulgaria!
Pete decided that the sick bug alone wasn’t enough for him. He added to the mix some crazy cramping legs and one night passed out and hit his head on the bedside table leaving a nice open gash in his head. Thanks goodness we had some sterostrips and a bandage in the first aid kit.

One of our colleagues, Kris, next got the bug and this time a photograph of my prescription was used at the chemist to buy the medication. It just gets better !

Once we were both well again the bug tried to make a resurgence and I vomitted after a lovely meal out. At this point our boss told us we needed to go and buy a bottle of mastikka and take a shot each morning and night to kill everything in our stomachs. Mastikka is like ouzo only much stronger. I don’t mind a shot in the evening but at 7am before work – no thank you!

So far, so good. We are being model patients and going straight home from work each evening to rest as we have crazy half term coming up when we will be teaching for eight hours every day. We need to be fighting fit for that!