We think we picked well when we chose FISS over the other 2 job offers we received. Our decision was mainly down to having been to the resort for 4 days last year (even though we always like to explore new places) and liked the look of the beginners’ slopes plus the vibe we got from the owners.
So the teamwork starts early, clearing snow from the car & van, de-icing them and clearing the paths in front of the apartments.

Then there’s the day off shredding with whoever is also off that day (me & Janet don’t always get the same days off) so we get to mix up who we ski or board with which makes it fun/learning/danger of death situations 🤔 😉

FISS have also put on a few staff training evenings. We’ve had gate training (slalom), a short turns workshop with Bob – the level 4 instructor. Everyone appreciates these, I mean we spend all day helping others to get better, why can’t we have some of that too? 😎
The lights weren’t great in some parts of the gate course so we just had to commit which gets the adrenaline racing. Then before the lights go off there was a team effort to take the course down and carry back to the staff room. Pete had to ski back with 20 poles over his shoulder, not bad for an old fella.
A few of us got home, got changed in about 5 mins and walked 5 mins up the road to devour some food !!! Amazing the calories you burn through the day, then 16.30 – 18.30 training as it gets colder.