So after a frantic couple of weeks and then a few chilled days in The wirral catching up with friends and family, today we head off with our rucksacks to Manchester Airport.  We have dashed around a few bikes shops today trying to get quick release fixings for our CamelBak bladder so we can affix the new water filter that our friends Keith and Marie gave us (to be their guinea pigs before they use the filter on their world trip starting in April).  I couldn’t find the quick release conversion kit so bought a new bladder which has these fixings already.  I must say, the guy at The Bikeshop in Moreton was really helpful!  I can sleep easy tonight now knowing that I wont need to buy heaps and heaps of plastic bottles for our drinking water.  I see enough plastic in our oceans and on our beaches when I am kayaking – I don’t need to add to the problem!


Our flight is tonight to Bangkok (via) Dubai and we cant wait!  Our shorts are packed in the hand luggage as I am sure that the temperatures will be a shock to us (even though we land in Bangkok at 9pm at night).  Thailand – here we come!