Some days we have had an amazing time at the beach or in a park or mountain biking in a forest. We get back to the van and cook our dinner and it would be lovely to just kick back and stay right there for the night. Only we are greeted with lots of signs saying “No overnight parking” or “Park closed from sunset to 8am” or “No parking from 8pm to 6am”. Darn it!So we pack up – too late to find a campsite and look for a quiet street where we can snuggle up for the night. We maybe find a quiet residential street and park by an unused lot or next to the side of a house where we hopefully won’t annoy anyone. But it always seems to be bin day! !!!!!!
And sure enough, about 6am we are woken to the sound of the content of bins crashing into a truck and then the empty bins slamming back down on the street. To make it better many places have two or three different bins for various recyling so we get to hear this racket repeated several times. Last night was no exception and the funniest thing was the conversation I heard outside the van this morning as we were tucked up in our duvet. One lady says to get neighbour “Hey, do you know who that white van belongs to?”, to which he replies “I have no idea. Maybe it’s the Men In Black”. So she says “Maybe we’re being spied on by the Government” and he replied “Yeah, and their using that twirling thing on the roof to record it”. We lay there stifling giggles and decided we best get up and drive off quickly to ease their suspicions (and just in case they own guns).By the way, our twirling thing on the roof is a ventilation thing to extract stale air but it has caused lots of enquiries from the Americans.
We have been asked several times what it is and if it is to create energy from the wind. We wish it did – that would be pretty handy!
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