So this winter we decided we needed to get back out there as ski and snowboard instructors before we got stuck in a rut on the island and never did it again. We got the heads up for an opportunity to work in Japan for Club Med, had a video interview and signed contracts back in August. Then we had to wait over three months to get our paperwork sent from Hong Kong. In November it started to get a bit tense when the paperwork hadn’t yet arrived and we had been given a start date in Club Med Sahoro, Hokkaido, of 19th Nov. Finally, after two visits to the Japanese Embassy in London, we got our visas which was a real relief as we had taken a gamble, rented our house out and booked our flights to Japan for the following day (25th Nov). So finally we were on our way…..

On our flight to Tokyo it was compulsory to wear a mask 😷 – the start of much mask wearing in Japan. Turns out the only time we are able to remove our masks in our resort is when we eat and drink or when outdoors. Eek! I tell you, hard core dancing is pretty tough wearing a mask.
So we arrived half way through the training and had much to catch up on, including all the uniform rules, the ski and snow board levels, learning all the “Crazy Sign” dances etc. Unfortunately there is no snow yet in Sahoro so we arrived to very green mountains and an activity to take clients hiking instead of skiing. Snow is forecast this weekend so we all have our fingers and toes crossed.

The resort opened on 1 December and there are guests that love to book to come on the first day of opening. Some Club Med customers have been coming 30 or 40 years!
In fairness, they do put on a big show with ribbon cutting, a sake tower, a champagne pyramid, a circus show, Hokkaido drummers, lots of dancing with set routines (which the Japanese love) and fireworks!

Then the challenge is how to keep everyone entertained who has booked to come skiing or snow boarding???? So the non-snow program was rolled out with hiking, ski simulator, an obstacle course in the pool, a winter crafts evening where I was on Japanese calligraphy (no clue) and Pete was doing winter crafts (even less clue)! I did however learn how to spin a plate on a stick – you never know when such a skill will come in handy.

So now we are all waiting….. come on snow !!!!
1 Comment
Anouk de Vos · December 3, 2022 at 4:38 pm
I’ve loved reading this!! I hope the snow arrives for you both this weekend xxx
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